Schedule your Zakat and Sadaqah
How does it work
My Ten Nights provides you with a way to pay your Zakat and charity donations over the course of the last 10 nights of Ramadan. You can make one donation and My 10 Nights will split it over the course of 10 days, ensuring you reap all the blessings and rewards.

3 Easy Steps
Select Your Cause
Select Your Donation
Make Payment
It really is that simple
Giving charity on Laylut Quadr (The Night of Power) is thought to be ‘better than a thousand months’ (Al-Qadr, 97: 3). This Holy night is when it is believed the first verses of the Qur’an were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Any good deeds carried out on this date are thought to have higher reward than those done over a thousand months.
Don’t miss out on reaping the rewards of Laylut al Qadr, schedule your donations with AMS and My Ten Nights today.