Preston Muslim Girls High School have been rated Outstanding by Ofsted in all areas, the first time the school has achieved this grade.
According to their report which was published today, all pupils “are making rapid progress well above most national rates of progress” and the inspectors hoped “the school can continue holding high values as the school expands”.
The school, with over 300 students on roll, was previously inspected in 2013 and was awarded Good. The inspectors praised the drive of headteacher, Mufti Javid Pathan to “broaden the provision of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness of life in modern Britain which has created tolerant, respectful and considerate pupils.”
Mufti Javid said: “We are delighted with the Ofsted judgement of ‘Outstanding’ especially following a set of outstanding GCSE results in the summer. The school continues to go from strength to strength to give the best possible learning experience to our pupils. We would like to thank all the staff, pupils, parents, staff and governors and the entire community for their dedicated support.”
Since the last inspection the school has almost doubled in size. This has required some extensive building improvements and upgrades to facilities including a new science block, a new library, Design and Technology facilities, a new school canteen and a new IT infrastructure.
AMS Chairman, Mr Ashfaque Chowdhury commented, “This is indeed an outstanding achievement which we hope the school can continue to build on and hopefully inspire more schools to attain such high standards”
The students, who are regularly involved in community projects and raising money for charity and deemed by inspectors to be promising ambassadors in the future, celebrated their achievement in a group photo
Mufti Javid added: “We are delighted that the school has got the recognition we feel it deserves and we will continue to improve.”