A report from Ofsted was published after a two and a half day inspection at Paradise Primary School, Dewsbury on 26-28 January.
The school, which caters for boys and girls from ages 2-11, both boys and girls has the motto “in the pursuit of excellence” and aims for this in both academia and character. Alongside all of the statutory subjects, the school offers Arabic language and Islamic studies, a wide range of extracurricular activities, as well as themed days and visits to offer opportunities and to provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
The leaders and children at Paradise are very pleased to have been awarded an overall grading of “GOOD” and have already started to action the few recommendations to ensure the school can quickly achieve “outstanding”.
The report can be read in full on the school website but some noteworthy comments from the inspectors include:
* Pupils personal development and welfare are OUTSTANDING.
* Pupils reach standards which are consistently at or ABOVE other pupils in Mathematics and English.
* Pupils social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is EXCELLENT.
* The headteacher is PASSIONATE about school improvement and puts very effective strategies in place.
Other key judgements were that the parents are confident that the children are happy and safe and the school is helping them become good British Muslims, that the teachers build excellent relationships with their pupils and are skilled at meeting the differing needs of the pupils.
One finding stated that the emphasis on good quality training for staff enabled new teachers to acquire the skills to be able to move on to the maintained school sector.
The headteacher said “We are delighted to have been recognised for our hard work despite the unique challenges we face as an independent school and to show all other schools that this is achievable. We are proud to offer a high quality education in an Islamic environment with a focus on diversity, integrity and continuous improvement to ensure we produce well rounded adults of the future. I would like to thank all involved including the governors, parents and all supporters of PPS.”