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RSE Hub2023-11-04T16:15:13+00:00

The AMS is leading the development of resources that can be used in the classroom to teach RSE, as well as support for leaders in meeting their statutory obligations, all within an Islamic context.

Below you will find webinars, downloadable resources, FAQs and the option to buy our brand new, bespoke RSE curriculum.


RSE Resources

Template policy

Governors auditing

Staff and Parental

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A series of bespoke training modules to support the implementation and delivery of our RSE curriculum. Existing users Click below to login to portal.


Free Parent Consultation

Primary and secondary PowerPoint presentations to use as part of your consultation, as well as advice for parents and schools.

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Statutory Guidance

Access the most up to date guidance issued by the DFE.

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Sample Lessons

Download a primary and secondary lesson plan to review, share with colleagues/parents or try it in the classroom.

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Buy Now – RSE Curriculum

This is a complete RSE curriculum! For each phase (primary or secondary), you will receive up to 60 lesson plans, providing coverage across every year group and meeting all the RSE criteria identified by the DFE.

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Pilot School

Provide invaluable insights into what works well, what’s not working well and ideas on how to improve.

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RSE Subject Leader Meeting

Join us every half term for our RSE subject leader meeting.


Lesson Plans – Feedback

As with any new product, there may be some areas that need further tweaks.

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Coming Soon

Coming soon

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Frequently Asked Questions

Does my child’s school have to tell me before teaching my child the topics in RSE?2022-03-07T00:46:13+00:00

Schools are required to consult with parents when developing and reviewing their policies for Relationships Education and RSE, which will inform schools’ decisions on when and how certain content is covered. Effective engagement gives the space and time for parents to input, ask questions, share concerns and for the school to decide the way forward. Schools will listen to parents’ views, and then make a reasonable decision as to how they wish to proceed. When and how content is taught is ultimately a decision for the school, and consultation does not provide a parental veto on curriculum content.

A school’s policies must be available to any individual free of charge. Schools are also expected to ensure that, when they engage parents, they provide examples of the resources they plan to use, for example the books they will use in lessons.

It is against my religion/culture/belief to learn about different families.2021-12-25T17:54:02+00:00

Everyone is entitled to their own belief, religion and culture. Schools have a duty to promote the protected characteristics, which include religion and belief but also include different families. In this country, no one protected characteristic is more important than another.

While Islam does not recognise all types of different families, our school teaches that according to English law, families can look different.

As Muslim schools we are not expected to promote different relationships, however, we will teach our children that we expect everyone to be respectful and recognise that families will look different in the society in which they live.

In secondary schools we are expected to cover LGBT content in our RSE teaching and this is expected to include age appropriate and developmentally appropriate teaching about different types of relationships in the context of the law.

How will you teach about different families?2021-12-25T17:56:57+00:00

We will hold a parent session where we will share the lesson plans and resources we will use to teach about different types of families before we deliver these lessons.

Children are too young to learn about some of the units in the statutory guidance. (Primary Schools)2021-12-25T17:57:34+00:00

Children are never too young to learn about respect and we will teach this from a young age. We do not teach about sexual or romantic relationships in school. Instead, we will focus on families and people who take care of us but recognise that in the community in which we live, families can and do look different.

Children will learn about puberty at an appropriate time to them so that they are prepared for the changes that they will go through at this time.

Nb: Schools can opt out of teaching sex education as it is not statutory for primary schools and schools are required to make content age appropriate.

What will you teach about gender?2021-12-25T17:59:22+00:00

Children will:

• Learn about how boys and girls are different and the same.

• Explore the stereotypes associated with boys and girls.

Teaching about gender identity is not statutory for primary schools.

Why is all this changing?2022-03-07T00:48:09+00:00

The previous guidance on RSE was outdated and our government felt that it no longer met the needs of pupils in our schools. Watch the following webinar for more information

Do I have a right to withdraw my child from Relationships and Sex Education?2022-03-07T00:49:01+00:00

From September 2020 in primary schools, parents can withdraw their child from any aspect of Sex Education other than those which are part of the science Curriculum. Sex Education is not compulsory in primary schools.

Parents will continue to have a right to request to withdraw their child from sex education delivered as part of RSE in secondary schools (other than those which are part of the Science Curriculum), which, unless there are exceptional circumstances, should be granted
up to three terms before their child turns 16.

At this point, if the pupil themselves wishes to receive sex education rather than be withdrawn, the school should make arrangements for this to happen in one of the three terms before the child turns 16-the legal age of sexual consent.

Can I withdraw my child from relationship or health education units?2022-01-23T20:07:36+00:00

There is no right to withdraw from Relationships Education or Health Education in primary or secondary schools.

From September 2020 in primary schools, parents can withdraw their child from any aspect of Sex Education other than those which are part of the science Curriculum. Sex Education is not compulsory in primary schools.

Parents will continue to have a right to request to withdraw their child from sex education delivered as part of RSE in secondary schools (other than those which are part of the Science Curriculum), which, unless there are exceptional circumstances, should be granted
up to three terms before their child turns 16.

At this point, if the pupil themselves wishes to receive sex education rather than be withdrawn, the school should make arrangements for this to happen in one of the three terms before the child turns 16-the legal age of sexual consent.

Is there any guidance for parents from the Government?2022-01-23T20:02:04+00:00

Yes, you can access these from the link below:

Why are Muslim schools choosing to teach about same sex relationships?2022-01-23T20:15:04+00:00

Muslims schools have chosen to teach about same sex relationships for two main reasons. One being we believe the guidance from the DFE and OFTSED requires us to teach about the different types of families that exist in modern Britain. Schools need to ensure pupils are made aware of all types of families that they may encounter. The second being, we feel the topic is of utmost importance from a tarbiyyah angle, to support modern day identity.

Click here to read our evaluation of the guidance from the DFE and OFTSED

Click here to read guidance on the teaching of protected characteristics

What resources will you use?2022-01-23T20:00:58+00:00

Schools are required through the consultation process to share with parents what resources they intend to use.

Some schools will be using materials that have been prepared by the Association of Muslim Schools. These have been written to meet statutory guidance, as well as help schools to deliver units according to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

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